maternal health

New moms: please get your 6-week post-baby check-up

A new study has found that nearly half of women who give birth do not go to their doctor for the six-week post-natal visit.

Image courtesy of Jomphong /

Image courtesy of Jomphong /

Researchers highlighted this as a major gap, as this doctor visit is vital for women’s transition to regular healthcare and to give them information about key areas such as breastfeeding, continuing birth control and weight loss after giving birth.

“Pregnancy has often been labeled a ‘teachable moment’ because women are motivated to make significant health behavioral changes,” said the researchers. “A smooth transition into primary care could reinforce these changes through a longitudinal primary care relationship.”

The researchers said irrespective of insurance status, many women missed the postpartum doctor visit because they did not see any risks to their health and felt “overwhelmed with new family responsibilities.” They suggested maternal care be bundled with pediatric care, so that mothers and children are evaluated through just one visit to the doctor, reducing the planning needs for parents and increasing the likelihood for mothers to seek healthcare.